Example InGov® Report

InGov® Overview

Public retirement trustees and executives are typically very interested in how the governance structure, policies, and practices of their retirement system compare to those of peers, and what might be learned about leading practices which could potentially be applied to improve their system.

A key feature to be provided on the Board Smart™ eLearning platform is the capability to compare your system to peers in many governance areas. The InGov® Public Pension Fund Leading Practices profile survey has been developed and includes questions on over 300 governance factors in the following topical areas:

1.      System overview

2.      Statutory governance and authorities

3.      Board composition and policies

4.      Pension plan funding and actuarial processes

5.      Board operations

6.      Board committees

7.      Board delegations

8.      Board use of third-party service providers

9.      Strategic planning

10.   Investment strategies and policies

11.   Investment operations

12.   Legal support

13.   Pension administration

14.   Insurance administration

15.   Enterprise administration

16.   Enterprise risk management

17.   Independent reassurance

18.   Compliance and controls

Each Board Smart™ subscriber organization is required to complete the InGov® profile survey questionnaire at the time of signing up for the Board Smart™ service.  The Chief Executive of the organization takes the lead for the system in obtaining responses for the extensive set of profile questions.

It will take some time to develop a rich set of peer group information, but as more and more Board Smart™ subscribers are added, the number of peer responses will grow, and the peer group to which your system will be compared will be enhanced over time.

As examples of future InGov® results, below are sample responses to several questions related to Board committees.  As the user database grows, similar results will become available to each Board Smart™ user for over 300 questions across all eighteen topical areas listed above.  Note that for each question, the response for your system (Your Choice) will be indicated for comparison purposes.


6. How many members sit on each standing committee of the Board?


10. Do any committees require at least one member to have specific expertise or experience?
