Board Smart Accredited by Texas Pension Review Board
Naples, FL – November 18, 2020 – Board Smart™ announced today that its online governance learning system for trustees of public pension plans was accredited by the Texas Pension Review Board as a source for continuing education credits.* Board Smart™ is pursuing accreditation with other organizations. Board Smart™ is the only comprehensive governance e-learning resource specifically for public pension trustees and executives and was created by experts who understand the unique issues faced by public retirement plans.
“It’s critically important for trustees to have the tools, training and information they need to make sound decisions on highly complex governance and pension issues,” said Rick Funston, Board Smart founder and chief executive officer. “Board Smart™ makes it possible for trustees to gain the education they need from the comfort of their own homes and learn directly from industry experts.”
Board Smart™ features 20-minute Expert Talks created by a renowned national faculty with in-depth knowledge public pensions – former trustees, system executives, governance and investment experts, actuaries and attorneys. This virtual tool is customizable for both the retirement system and individual learner, tracks completion for continuing education credits, and creates system-specific reports. Each Expert Talk includes a downloadable transcript, system self-assessment, nationwide feedback, peer benchmarking, case examples, further resources and references, and user forums.
Board Smart™ is an online learning tool that provides continuing education and governance resources to trustees and executives of pension and retirement systems to help them meet their fiduciary responsibilities and stay informed of leading practices. Access to Board Smart’s robust curriculum, repository of materials, and benchmarking resources is available by subscription. Headquartered in Naples, FL, the company launched in 2020 and continues to expand its nationally recognized faculty and develop new content and features. More information is available at
Media Contact: Kelly Kenneally | 202.256.1445 |
*We are accredited by the State Pension Review Board as a Minimum Educational Training (MET) sponsor for Texas public retirement systems. This accreditation does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our MET program.